Iridescent Blue

Some of you have asked about this photograph and what I can tell you... this one is a photograph II took in Bali, and have done some advanced colour remapping. So the photograph is a of some of the sparkly beach sand in Bali, that has a high amount of quartz and mica, which looks sparkly. On the west coast of Bali the beach sand is a yellow/orange colour with sparkly volcanic/mica sand (its not like the white powder sand beaches in Perth).

So here I have attempted to take the sparkly/iridescent material and remapped the colours to the green, and the yellow and golden colours to blue, To me this combination forces you to look more at the abstracted forms and totally removes the subject matters cues ie it doesn't look like beach sand, and get me to look and think about the colours and forms and where these could be in nature.

For me, the colour combination is very exotic and the form totally beguiling. It demonstrates for me where we see nature's patterns in different scale proportion i.e. this photograph looks like an underwater deep ocean floor scan, and not the tidal zone sand it is.

Anyways there you go, a little peek behind the curtain to get a sense of what and why. :D

Green goodness...

This shot was taken deep in the Indonesian rain-forrest.  After many days travel and hours trekking we came upon an idealic watering hole, a place of peace and solitude.  Food and drink was in copious amounts around us, and rare and exotic species from all across the globe were in our vicinity. An idealic place for a shot*.  I was taken by the fig tree and how the fruits were on the stem and branches of the tree.  The contrast between the green and grey is devine.  Enjoy!

* ok, so it may have also been pool-side at the Maya Resort, down by the river, a long walk from breakfast, where a few other peeps were hanging out as well.  Still a nice tree.

Something from Bali: White Drop I

OK this is a special post as it will be in two parts.... but I'm not going to tell you when the second post is, just yet.

Some of you may have known that recently Paul and I took a quick break away, and had 10 days in Bali, staying at two locations.  The first was The Maya, Ubud, (will open in a new window).  This is our buddies, Gary and Stuart's favourite place in Bali, and we both agree is a lovely tranquil place to chill.  I'll put some holiday snaps up soon.

The other place was the Nyaman Villas, down in Seminyak (opens in new window).  Another great place to stay but down in the busy Seminyak and all the great restuarants.

So back to this image.  This image was taken a few moments after arrival at the Maya.  The gardens are beautiful and vast.  But this set of flowers caught my eye.  Nestled in amongst the dark green foliage was this drop of purity.  White Drop.  Enjoy.

A lovely end to a busy week....

Paul and I have been very busy whilst we have been away.  Shooting everyday (ok, one day I only took a shot by the pool with the iphone), filled up the laptop and data drives with images... eek only 8GB left!) trekking, riding, navigating the crazy roads, scouting locations, falling off things (see previous blog post and massive bruise), eaten our way around the island and some R&R.  Last night we were fortunate to attend Metis's 3rd Year Anniversary in Seminyak.  A lovely evening, and there was four yummy courses and three shows, followed by fireworks and a party that was clearly going on to the wee hours of the morning.

A couple there were celebrating there 50 year anniversary, and I thought well Paul and I have been together for 28 years, so we aren't doing too bad either... I'm still in love with my guy :D

Back home today...